
Thomas Vits

Chief Metaverse Navigator
Thomas is the Chief Metaverse Navigator at Metaverse Monday, a public, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the discussion and exchange about the Metaverse. He is also the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of TangibleXR, a tech consultancy specializing in the intersection of the Metaverse and enabling infrastructure, including networks and cloud solutions. Title: „Crypto and the Metaverse: What Europe Needs to Do to Capture the Digital Future“ Two years ago, crypto and the Metaverse were seen as closely linked. Today, the Metaverse is beyond the hype cycle and facing a reality check, while crypto is experiencing another bull run. Blockchain-enabled solutions remain, though, a key element of the Metaverse. As Europeans, we must not only leverage technologies built in the US, China, and other regions but actively innovate, build, and contribute to our digital future. This needs an environment for innovation through talent development, capital access, integrated digital markets, and regulatory aspects. Let’s examine Europe’s challenges and opportunities, and what we need to change to avoid falling further behind and secure our share of the digital future. Metaverse Monday: Metaverse Monday e.V. is a public, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering exchange and networking among individuals interested in or working on the Metaverse. We organize monthly meetups and are building a platform for the community to discuss specific topics, and connect companies and individuals who are shaping our digital future. We welcome all perspectives, both positive and critical, to discuss, learn from each other and eventually contribute to building the best version of the Metaverse that helps us thrive as human beings.
metaverse monday
MetaVerse Monday
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